Name: Charles Fried
Title (HLS): Tenured Professor
consumer product companyExpertadvising on briefing and argument in defense in product liability litigationfair trial, preemption, damage calculation, statutory issues2012-ongoing
Apple CorporationExpertworldwide patent infringement litigation between Apple and Samsunginterpretation of license agreement2011-ongoing
Maurice GreenbergCounselMartin Act proceedings by New York A.G.trial issues, preemption, statutory interpretation2011-ongoing
Americans For Campaign ReformCounselCounsel of Record Supreme Court Amicus brief in McCutcheon v. FECdefending constitutionality of BCRA aggregate contribution limitsMay 2013-July 2013
taxpayerExpertstate and federal issue relating to issues of domicile for purposes of state tax liabilityJuly 2013-ongoing
Medical Technology CompanyExpertmisuse of trade secretsstandards for admissibility of expert witness testimony damage calculationApril 2013-ongoing
Cantigny Foundationsuit by creditors of bankrupt to recover payments to stockholderswhether several thousand creditors of bankrupt are barred by Section 546(e) of the bankruptcy code from recovering payments made by bankrupt (prior to bankruptcy) to shareholders in LBO2012-ongoing
Multinational CorporationExpertinterpretation of provision of IRC regarding tax credit for businesses operating in Puerto Ricostatutory interpretation3/2013-ongoing