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Controlling Shareholders

Course Description

Written Work


There are two different ways that J.D. students (and cross-registrants) may earn their credit for this course:


  1. Preparing a couple of pages of written comments on each week’s papers, to be placed electronically in the course website drop box by 10 a.m. the morning of class. These comments should primarily be criticisms, extensions, or in other respects your own analysis of the paper itself or of questions it raises, not merely summaries of the papers. We expect two comments/criticisms, running 1-2 pages each (2-4 total pages). You only need to turn in six (6) per semester.


  1. Writing a modest paper on any subject in law, economics, and organization. (This need not be, and typically is not, a formal economics paper, even though the papers presented in the seminar are.) If you take only one semester for one credit, this can be correspondingly
    • If/when you decide to pursue this option, you should clear your topic with Professor Kaplow in advance (though it can be supervised by any of the instructors).
    • When finalized, you should email a confirming statement, including a brief (one or two paragraph) description of your project and the identity of the supervisor to Professor Kaplow.
    • The due date is the last day HLS classes meet in the pertinent semester. (Extensions require explicit permission, in advance.)


Finally, there is also the option of hedging one’s bets - writing questions initially and switching later to the paper option, with the early work somewhat reducing the paper requirement or providing “extra credit” toward your grade.



Class Attendance and Participation


You are, of course, required to attend regularly. If your grade is on a borderline, class participation can boost you to the higher level.