Figures based on Bebchuk and Grinstein, "The Growth of Executive Pay" (2005)

In order to use the figures listed, click on a link below and then click on the Word icon in the upper left hand corner.

Table 1: Mean Compensation Levels 1993-2003

Figure 1: Changes in Rolling Average of CEO and Top-Five Compensation: 1993-2003

Figure 2: Increase in Compensation AFter Controlling for Size, Performance and Fixed Effects

Figure 3: Relative Increase in Equity-Based and Non-Equity Based CEO Compensation

Table 4: Equity-Based Compensation as a Percentage of Total Compensation

Figure 4: Increasein Equity-Based Compensation After Controlling for Size, Performance and Fixed Effects

Figure 5: Increase in Non-Equity Comopensation After Controlling for Size, Performance and Fixed Effects

Table 7: Aggregate Top-Five Compensation 1993-2003 (in $Billions)

Table 8: Compensation and Corporate Earnings

Last updated: Jul. 05
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