Politics in 12th and 13th Centuries


The Cast of Characters




Alexander III, 1159–81

Frederick I, Barbarossa, 1152–90

Innocent III, 1198–1216

Henry VI, 1190–97

Gregory IX, 1227–41

Frederick II, 1215–50

Innocent IV, 1243–1254

Rudolf of Hapsburg, 1273–91

Boniface VIII, 1294–1303

Adolf of Nassau, 1292–98




Henry I, 1100–1135


Henry II, 1154–1189

Louis VII, 1137–80

John, 1199–1216

Philip II, Augustus, 1180–1223

Henry III, 1216–1272

Louis IX, saint, 1226–70

Edward I, 1272–1307

Philip IV, the Fair, 1285–1314


Iberian Peninsula

Sicily (in the broad sense)

Alfons VI, Castile, 1065–1109

Roger II, 1130–1154

Raymond Berenger IV, Catalonia, 1131–62


Peter II, Aragon, 1196–1213

Henry VI, see above

Ferdinand III, Castile, 1217–1252

Frederick II, 1197–1250

James I, Aragon, 1213–1276

Charles of Anjou, 1265–1285

Alfons X, the Wise, Castile, 1252–84

Peter of Aragon, 1282–85


Empire and papacy


1.      The Diet of Worms (settlement of the invesiture controversy)—1122

2.      The commune movement

a.  Frederick Barbarossa crushes Roman commune—1155

b.  Lombard League supports Alexander III, defeats Barbarossa—1176

3.        Sicily and Naples

a.  Constance of Sicily, daughter of the Norman king Roger II, marries Henry VI of Germany, their son was Frederick II

b.  Frederick II deposed by Innocent IV at the council of Lyons in 1245

c.  Charles of Anjou, the younger brother of Louis IX of France, conquers Sicily—1266

4.        Richard of Cornwall of England and Alfons the Wise of Castille vie for the impreial crown, but the electors give it to Rudolf of Hapsburg

5.        The electors depose Adlof of Nasau—1298

6.        The effect of the collapse of the Hohenstaufen dynasty





1.        Relatively unified as a result of the Conquest in 1066.

2.        Henry I develops the most powerful centralized fiscal and judicial institutions in all of Europe.

3.        The Norman kings were also dukes of Normandy. Henry II’s marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine made him lord of an empire that included not only England but the western half of France as well. Control of such an empire demanded strong delegates in England to mind the store while Henry was away.

4.        John lost Nomandy in 1204 and with it much of the Angevin empire. The struggles that ensued with his own baronage and which led to Magna Carta in 1215 and the strugges of his son Henry III with the same baronage did not have to result in the development of parliament at the end of the 13th century but that institution is easiser to understand if we keep those struggles in mind.




1.        Where England began the 12th century strong, France began it weak. The French king was surrounded by powerful vassals, including the king of England, the count of Flanders, the duke of Burgundy, the count of Blois and Champagne, and the count of Toulouse.

2.        The French king had effective power only in the royal domain, at the beginning of the 12th century only a relatively small region around Paris and Orléans.

3.        Philip Augustus recovered for the French crown all of the northern domains of the English king, Normandy, Brittany, Maine, Anjou and Poitou, and developed central financial institutions within the royal domain. He parallels the role of Henry I of England, a half a century later.

4.        The Albigensian crusade in the beginning of the thirteenth century ended by uniting the great province of Languedoc to the French crown, and eliminating the independence of the count of Toulouse and virtually eliminating the power of Aragon on the northern side of the Pyrenees.

5.        Louis IX and Philip the Fair were able to consolidate these achievements, to develop institutions both judicial and financial that would ensure both royal order and royal control within this greatly expanded royal domain. By the end of Philip’s reign, we have clear indications of an institution known as the parlement of Paris and the beginning of an institution called the estates general. These institutions divided between them what was done in England in one parliament.



Castile and Aragon


1.       In the 11th century the Christians in the northern fringe of the peninsula were organized into small kingdoms: Leon, Castille, Navarre, Aragon, and the county of Barcelona.

2.       By the beginning of the 12th century Alfons VI of Castile succeeded in uniting the crowns of Leon and Castile and recovering the center of Spain, as far south as Toledo.

3.       In the mid–12th century, Portugal became a separate kingdom.

4.       In 1137, Raymond Berenguer IV, count of Barcelona, united Catalonia with Aragon by marrying the heiress to the Aragonese crown. Peter II of Aragon sided with the Albigensians and lost most of the control that Aragon had in southern France. His son, however, James I, conquered the Baleric Islands; later he reconquered Valencia from the Moors. He established his son Peter on the throne of Sicily (the island only) and Sicily became divided from the kingdom of Naples, a situation that was to last into the 15th century.

5.       In the meantime, James’s contemporary Ferdinand III of Castile recovered most the center of what is now Spain for Castile. By 1250 all remained in Moorish hands was a small area around Granada. It was to remain in Moorish hands until 1492, 18 yrs after the the crowns of Castile and Aragon were united under Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile.  Alfons X of Castile had the job of consolidation and establishing institutions.  He was only partially successful.  Alfons never succeded completely in bringing the nobility under his control. Leon, though it was united with Castile, had its separate cortes, an institution that roughly corresponds to the English parliament.  Similarly, though the kingdom of Aragon, the county of Barcelona (now increasingly called Catalonia) and the principality of Valencia were all united under one crown, each had its own cortes.  The nobility was strong in Aragon and Valencia, the cities in Catalonia.  Navarre was not united with the rest of Spain until the 16th century.


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